Council Built Homes for Market Rent and Sale

Scotland needs more homes to meet the needs of its population – this means that housing of different types and tenures is required.

Until now, delivering housing has meant that significant levels of new market activity has typically been split into two categories – private sector developers building open market value housing for sale; and councils and Housing Associations building and retaining affordable homes for rent.

But what happens in an area where there is no active private sector development of homes for sale or rent, but there is demand for new housing from people that do not meet the requirements for affordable homes?

Our Place, Housing and Economic Investment Team has a remit to support the development and delivery of housing across different tenures to meet the economic and social needs of Scotland.

Given this position, the Team has been exploring the potential for councils to deliver more housing across a wide range of tenures, including the development of market-value housing for rent and/or for sale, with Burness Paull LLP asked to provide legal advice and Brodies LLP creating some hypothetical case studies, and our Team's preparing a briefing paper.