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Operational Contract Management


Supporting public bodies identify where increased value and savings can be secured

Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, many essential buildings such as schools and hospitals were built in Scotland using the Public Private Partnership (PPP) revenue-funded delivery model.

As part of the PPP contract, it is the responsibility of the private sector to maintain these buildings, usually for a period of 25 years and then hand the buildings over to the public sector in good order.

With many of the early PPP projects now coming to the end of their 25-year contracts, our Operational Contract Management (OCM) Team has been working with public bodies to ensure buildings are handed over to them in good condition, including consideration of alternative approaches to lifecycle replacement during the handback process on the pathway to net zero.

Building on the positive momentum of previous years, our OCM team carries out in-depth and targeted reviews of education and health projects to identify where increased value and savings can be secured.

More recently, we have formed a collaborative working arrangement with the NHS to create a specialist team to support all NHS boards in improving PPP contract management, share best practice and drive value across the country.

Our team